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Celebrating Friendship

Author: Susan White

We all have days when we feel alone
Maybe in a crowd, maybe in a cafe
Watching others interact, laugh, chatting away
Sharing their lives, hopes, dreams, plans.

We all need someone to share good times and bad
To hear our truth, to share our joy
To ease our pain and hold our hand.
But what if you have no someone in your life?

Family and loved ones are far away or gone
Illness or past deeds may have broken strong bonds
Or perhaps you just want to hide your pain.
The loneliness can break your spirit and your health.

Friends are the family you choose for yourself
But sometimes it is hard to find them from a dark place.

Trust another to listen to your story
To find a befriender who will value your tales, share your laughter
Discover common bonds, build on your strengths
Celebrating friendship and the true wonders that it can bring.