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The Scots Language Publication Grant

The Scots Language Publication Grant exists to support publishers to publish and promote work written in Scots.

Number and letter stamps

The Scots Language Publication Grant is now closed for applications. If you have any questions, please get in touch at [email protected](this link will open in a new window).

Funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Scottish Book Trust, the Scots Language Publication Grant was created by the Scots Language Resource Network to support Scottish and UK publishers to publish and promote work written in Scots. The grant is designed to cover publishing costs such as editing, advances, illustrations and cover design, typesetting, printing and marketing.

Interested in the kind of projects supported in 2024? Discover the 2024 awardees.

About the grant

The grant aims to support publishers seeking assistance with:

Previous awardees

Since launching in 2019, the grant has supported the publication of a brilliant range of Scots books, including both new work and translated texts. Learn more about the books published through the grant.

About the Scots Language Resource Network

The Scots Language Resource Network meets twice a year to discuss the coordination and publication of new and existing resources (online and in print) that support speakers, readers, writers, teachers, learners and students of Scots. It currently includes representatives from the following organisations:

The publication grant is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Scottish Book Trust.