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New Writer 2023: Robbie MacLeòid

Poetry (Gaelic)

Robbie MacLeòid headshot

Robbie MacLeòid is a poet and writer, who creates in English and Scottish Gaelic. He was the poet-in-residence for Scotland's international poetry festival, StAnza, in 2020. Over the course of the pandemic, he was commissioned by various organisations such as the University of Glasgow, and StAnza, to create poetry for them.

In 2022, the manuscript for his first poetry collection, 'Am Measg Luaithrean Beò', won Best Unpublished Manuscript at the Gaelic Literature Awards. The same collection was also Highly Commended in the Edwin Morgan Poetry Award in the same year. You can find his work in Gutter, 404 Ink, New Writing Scotland, and STEALL, among other places. 

Robbie has worked in numerous forms over the years, from songwriting, to prose, to poetry, to drama, and even the odd bit of videogame writing. He enjoys translating, and, with backing from the Edwin Morgan Trust, put together a zine of Gaelic translations of Edwin Morgan's poetry. In his work he explores queerness, anti-colonialism, feminism, and play.

Writing sample

Agus Thig Sinn A-Mach

Glas, glas, a Ghlaschu,

nach eil gach nì glas an-dràsta:

droch shìde na geamhraidh, 

sgòthan glasa an-còmhnaidh,

agus glaiste a-staigh, glaiste a-mach, sgapte,

glaiste as leth bho chàch, air astar;

aistichean rin sgrìobhadh is an leabharlann fo ghlas

air cùl laghan is gloinne, is an àm ri teachd

gun teagamh làn teagamhan, gun fhios cuin

no càit no ciamar a thig sinn còmhla a-rithist,

no cò ris. 

Sùilean làn sgìos nan sgrìon,

cluasan sàraicht’ le sgoilearachd zoom

is mac talla air mac talla

is na tallachan teagaisg buileach gun phàistean.

Sàmhchair. An cluinn thu an t-sàmhchair?

Na seòmraichean uile cho socair ri leabharlann.

Gun anail, gun òraid, gun fhonn ann no còmhradh.

Roinn roinnte, air fògradh.

Ach thig an smeòrach as t-earrach,

mar chaidh ghealladh san òran,

a Ghlaschu, nì an t-eun agad sgèith.

Tillidh grian agus tional, coiseachd

dhachaigh fon ghealaich. Tillidh

fosgladh nan duilleagan.

Is sinne a bha rìamh sgaoilte

feadh dhùthchannan is chuantan,

a' cumail conaltradh a' dol le dìlseachd

is Dùrachdan:

Leigeamaid le 

làithean liatha leaghadh. Cuiridh sinn dath

air gach nì a tha glas, agus, mar iuchair,

fosglaidh sinn iad.

Robbie says:

'I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the ranks of Gaelic New Writers awardees. I've long been a fan of the New Writers' Awards and look forward to finding out who has won them every year. It is an honour to be amongst them this time!'