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New Writer 2023: Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacKinnon

Fiction and Narrative Non-Fiction (Gaelic)

Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacKinnon headshot

Dòmhnall Eòghainn completed a Masters degree in screenwriting in 2019 and has been writing award-winning scripts and films since then. His stories attracted the interest of the BBC, leading to the formation of his own production company, Macanta Media, in 2021. In 2022 his debut film was shortlisted for a Royal Television Society Award and won the audience award at the South Beach Film Festival in California. His latest work has been nominated for a Royal Television Society Award 2023 and is on the film festival circuit.

His career began at age 11, composing songs in a Hebridean shed. He continues to write and perform in his spare time, with an album of new material due in 2024.

Writing sample

Shìos air an tràigh, tha fianais nan daoine a dh'fhalbh fhathast ann an clò. Tha an làn, a thug mìle facal gu muir, uaireannan feadhainn bheaga bhrèagha, gan toirt air ais còmhla. Tha Mae a' coiseachd nas fhaide a-mach, teagmhach, duilich, dòchasach; a' dol suas is sìos a rèir meud nan mòr thonn—mìle facal a' fleòdradh air bhàrr a h-aodainn.

Dòmhnall Eòghainn says:

'It is an absolute honour to receive this award, and I'm very grateful to the Scottish Book Trust and The Gaelic Books Council for the opportunity. I am excited to work with a mentor to advance my skills. I want to write more, serve my community, and bring new Gaelic writing to the world.'