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Press release: Publishers and writers 'fair trickit' to receive Scots award

Nine new books in Scots have been awarded funding by the Scots Language Publication Grant. Now in its fifth year, the Scots Language Publication Grant was created by the Scots Language Resource Network to support Scots publishers and writers. It is funded by Scottish Government and administered by Scottish Book Trust, the national charity changing lives through reading and writing.
This year's successful awardees include the debut collection by the current Scots Scriever Shane Strachan; a memoir by writer and presenter Billy Kay; as well as comics, picture books, non-fiction texts and translated works. Applications were assessed by a panel with expertise in Scots and publishing. Duncan Lockerbie from Tapsalteerie said the Aberdeenshire-based publishing house were 'fair trickit' to receive the award, a sentiment echoed by other successful recipients.
This year's successful books are:
- DWAMS by current Scots Scriever Shane Strachan (Tapsalteerie)
- Born in Kyle by Billy Kay (Burnawn Books)
- Tommy Foghorn by Seona MacRuary and Lilian Ross (Giglets)
- The Fusslin Thrang: Collected Poems in Scots by Alexander Hutchison, edited by AB Jackson (Blue Diode Press)
- Burds, Baists and Bugs by Claire Hubbard and Tom Hubbard
- The Songs of Jock Duncan by Jock Duncan, edited by Peter Shepheard (Rymour Books)
- Yum by Susi Briggs (Foggie Toddle Books)
- The Dunfermline Story by Colin Maxwell (Maximized Comics)
- Guid Morning! Guid Nicht! by Matthew Mackie (Tippermuir Books)
Marc Lambert, CEO of Scottish Book Trust, said:
'The Scots Language Publication Grant is essential to many publishers and writers in Scotland. The award creates and protects space for new works from contemporary Scots voices in the publishing calendar, as well as facilitating collections and translations of significant historical works. We thank the Scottish Government for making these publications possible.'
Dr Michael Dempster, Director of the Scots Language Centre and Chair of The Scots Language Resource Network said:
'We're gey prood fir tae see a rerr clyack fae this yeir's Scots Publication Grant. Fae the kenspeckilt tae the suin tae be kent, an fae aw the airts an pairts o Scotland ilkane o thir publication's a walcome eik tae the seiven hunner year corp o Scots liteteratute. We luik forret tae them comin intae the warld!'
Notes to editors
Please direct all media requests to Abi Baross, Marketing and PR Manager at Scottish Book Trust at [email protected](this link will open in a new window).
(this link will open in a new window)Blurbs and quotes for each book
Scottish Book Trust
Scottish Book Trust is a national charity that believes everyone living in Scotland should have equal access to books. Our work provides opportunities to improve life chances through books and the fundamental skills of reading and writing. Access to books and a love of books bring many important benefits from family bonding and advancing children’s learning, to unlocking creativity, helping employability and improving mental health and wellbeing. Scottish Book Trust aims to support all communities across Scotland, with particular focus on those who are vulnerable and under-represented.
Our programmes and outreach work include:
- Gifting books to every child in Scotland to ensure families of all backgrounds can share the joy of books at home, through Bookbug and Read, Write, Count
- Working with teachers to inspire children to develop a love of reading, creating innovative classroom activities, book awards and author events such as Authors Live with the BBC and our Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour
- Supporting and nurturing Scotland's wide-ranging literary talent, both emerging and established through our training, awards and writing opportunities including New Writers Awards
- Creating events to share books and connect writers with communities, including Book Week Scotland
- Providing support to people living with dementia and their carers through Reading is Caring
In addition to the funding we receive from the Scottish Government and Creative Scotland, we need the constant support of trusts and foundations, corporate sponsors and individual donors.
Find us online at scottishbooktrust.com(this link will open in a new window). Follow @scottishbktrust on Twitter(this link will open in a new window), @scottishbooktrust on Instagram(this link will open in a new window) or like Scottish Book Trust's Facebook page(this link will open in a new window).
Scots Language Resource Network
The Scots Language Publication Grant is administrated by The Scots Language Resource Network, which meets twice a year to discuss the coordination and publication of new and existing resources (online and in print) that support speakers, readers, writers, teachers, learners and students of Scots.
It currently includes representatives from: ASLS; Creative Scotland; Dictionaries of the Scottish Language; Education Scotland; Glasgow Women's Library; Hands up for Trad; Historic Environment Scotland; Literature Alliance Scotland; National Library of Scotland; Oor Vyce; Publishing Scotland; Scots Hoose; Scots Language Centre; Scots Language Society/Scots Leid Associe; Scots Radio; Scottish Book Trust; Scottish Government; Scottish Poetry Library; SQA; Ulster Scots Agency; University of Glasgow and Wigtown Book Festival.
Creative Scotland
Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Follow us on @CreativeScots on Twitter(this link will open in a new window), the Creative Scotland Facebook page(this link will open in a new window) and @CreativeScots on Instagram(this link will open in a new window). Learn more about the value of art and creativity in Scotland and join in at OurCreativeVoice.Scot(this link will open in a new window).