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September 2022 winners – young writers

In September we asked for stories featuring a clock.

A rustic alarm clock on a table

Congratulations to the winners of our September competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt(this link will open in a new window).

Young writers (12–18) winner

Olivia Lee, age 13

And crash! He missed. Another dent on wooden floor; the flimsy hands, bent under the broken glass. Sobbing, his head held down in shame. My grandfather would sit opposite us all day moving a piece, switching the clock. "Bishop to D4!" He’d always win, even when we cheated.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Claudia Foster, age 10

Years have I spent, since teenagerhood, crafting, planning, pouring every drop of imagination I have possessed into that clock. Now I am old, and the clock is up in King's Cross. How do people react? "That's creepy!" "Why did they have to add demonic fairies?" "Oh my God I'm late!"