Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?

June 2022 winners

In June we asked for stories featuring a pair of sunglasses.

Congratulations to the winners of our June competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult winner

Anne Marie Mckirdy

How about these ones? These might suit you. Try them on.

Cheeks reddening I turned away, my reflection in the mirror shimmering with decades of tears. Over my head he looked on quizzically at a flustered old lady trying on expensive sunglasses, not recognising his own features in mine.

Gaelic winner

Oscar Cameron, age 9

Aon latha, ruith mi chun a' phàirc còmhla ri mo charaidean, Brodie agus Òrlaith. Bha speuclairean-grèine ùr againn agus bha e gu math grianach. Bha sinn ag iarraidh a dhol sìos na slèideag ach bha a h-uile duine ag iarraidh a dhol sìos an toiseach! Thuit na speuclairean-grèine againn sìos!

Translated by Gaelic Books Council

One day, I ran to the park with my friends, Brodie and Òrlaith. We had new sunglasses and it was very sunny. We wanted to go down the slide, but everyone wanted to go down first! Our sunglasses fell down!

Young writers (12–18) winner

Callan Donaldson, age 15

People would always try to out shine me, not like I would see them. My sunglasses putting a cool and calming shade on the world would block them out. Allowing me to concentrate on my shine alone. Soon they'll all need sunglasses for me.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Maren Milne, age 11

Sunglasses hide my glossy white gaze. The second sight powers my world, it is my only way of watching. The faeries talk to me in my dreams. They tell me about the colours and light that I doubt exists. My unseeing eyes show me more than you will ever see.