Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?
July 2022 winners
In July we asked for stories featuring a treasure chest.

Congratulations to the winners of our July competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt(this link will open in a new window).
Adult winner
Kathryn Holme
His make-up applied, Bert lifted the chest’s lid to reveal dozens of wigs. A cloud of glitter swirled before him as his hands reached for a feathery headpiece.
“Can I keep this one?”
The Director nodded.
Fifty years of panto, three years of chemotherapy.
Now Bert's final time as Dame.
Gaelic winner
Brian Ó hEadhra
Bha a’ chiste mar shamhla; mar mo chridhe: falamh. Shiubhail mo sheanmhair trì seachdainean roimhe ach bha mi fhathast troimh-a-chèile às a h-aonais. B’ e seo a ciste; làn ag aon àm de phàipearan is dealbhan teaghlaich is caraidean. Dè bu chòir a dhol a-steach ann a-nis?
Translated by Gaelic Books Council
The chest was a symbol; like my heart: empty. My grandmother had passed away three weeks previously, but I was still upset at her loss. This was her chest; at one time full of papers and photographs of family and friends. What should go into it now?
Young writers (12–18) winner
Rachel Jones, age 17
I stopped liking pirates when I was ten years old. “Captains and ships and fantasies of swashbuckling are for children” I'd say, trying to seem older. But when you appeared with your golden eyes and your playful smile, I found myself in the sand, searching for treasure chests with you.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Audrey Forsyth, age 11
My little brother brings his battered box over.
‘Look at my treasure!! Please?’
If I don’t, he’ll nag me all day.
He opens the box and exhibits :
Chocolate coin wrappers,
Pieces of lego
And, - hey! My old broken slinky?
Well, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.