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July 2021 winners

Our prompt for July 2021 was to write a story about a summer of football.

Close up of football sitting in dewy grass

Congratulations to the winners of our July competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult winner

Alexandra Folly

She squeezed past all the celebrating Italian fans, the England flag over her shoulders slipping to the floor, as tears rose to her eyes. This was her last chance!


Whirling around, she could only catch a glimpse of his Italian jersey, before finally feeling his lips on hers.

Gaelic Winner

Rebekah Lawrence

Dh'iarr Dòmhnall ball-coise a chluich fad an t-samhraidh.

Cheannaich mi tiogaidean gu sgoil-shamhraidh ball-coise dha. Abair iongnadh, smaoin mi, ach cha robh e toilichte. Bha e ag iarraidh cluiche air an X-Box cha b’ ann air an raon-cluiche.

Obh obh, Dòmhnall bochd. Cha bhi cumhachd-dealain sam bith anns a’ champa.

Translation by Gaelic Books Council

Donald asked to play football all summer.

I bought him tickets for a football summer school. What a surprise, I thought, but he wasn’t pleased. He wanted to play on the X-Box not on the pitch.

Oh dear, poor Donald. There won’t be any electricity at the camp.

Young writers (12–18) winner

W. Jia Lee, age 17

Sun-bleached boots. Joints pop loose. You stop my shot.

‘Aren’t you supposed to be the young one?’

My laugh is short and breathless: a hidden sigh. Your loose skin and sharp bones kick the ball in response, promising me you’ll still be here when I come back next year.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Sienna Sondhi, age 10

Sun is shining

But time to go in

Need to get ready

The match will begin

Gathered by screen

Drinks on side

Our team walks on

Hearts swell with pride

Watching nervously

Crowd shout

Someone scored

Are we in or out

Waiting anxiously

Scores in

Final whistle blown

We win!!!