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February 2022 winners

In February we asked for stories featuring a blanket

Congratulations to the winners of our February competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult winner

Anna Morrison

It was a zingy March day, one week after your birth. You lay sleeping in your pram, snuggled in a pastel blanket like a chrysalis spun in silk, a lemon sheet beneath you, the sun on your face. Little did I realise then how beautiful the butterfly that would emerge.

Gaelic winner

Marie Christine Macaulay

Cha robh mòran dhachaighean ann an Eilean Leòdhais uaireigin anns nach robh 'cuibhrig Roddy Gillies'.* A' cumail dhaoine blàth is cofhurtail tro mhìosan fuar a' gheamhraidh. Bha seo fada mus do dh'fhàs duvets, hygge agus còsagach fasanta agus fada ro fasan an là an-diugh le plangaidean le cuideam.

Translation author's own

There were very few homes on the Island of Lewis years ago that didn't have a Harris wool blanket/bedcover – referred to as Roddy Gillies's bedcover.* Keeping people warm and comfortable through the cold winter months. This was long before duvets, hygge and snug became fashionable and long before today's new concept of weighted blankets.

*A company called Roderick Gillies, based in Sandwick, Isle of Lewis made blankets/bed covers from Harris wool.

Young writers (12–18) winner

Ben Brunstrom, age 15

Trolls are seldom seen, not because they are mythical but because of their blankets. They spend long winter nights weaving blankets of concealment. One may be in your cupboard right now, waiting for you to fall asleep. Some who peek between the folds never return; so beware the blanket troll.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Aurora Rangasamy, age 10

BANG! Suddenly a blanket burst into a pet shop with a dramatic open of the door. Was it a ghost? It was a white blanket, and it was small. The figure took a bag of cat food then rushed out of the shop. Turns out it was just a cat.