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April 2022 winners

In April we asked for stories about a dream.

Congratulations to the winners of our April competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult winner

Lesley Haughton

'Nae teeth! They wur pingin' oot aw ower the place! Black 'n' rotten 'n' shoogly!'

They snort and cackle and howl at a night terror defanged by daylight. Then he yawned, as if to swallow the world, and revealed. . . nae teeth. She froze. He gnashed his gums. Hell's teeth.

Gaelic winner

Donnchadh Mac Chàba

Chaidh mi ann a-rithist. Fon drochaid aosta, shiubhail mi don t-saoghal eile sin a tha nas fìor dhòmhsa. Seall, mo phàrantan beò 's slàn. Agus thusa fhèin, leannan m' òige, casruisgt' air a' ghainmhich ghil, a' seòladh dham ionnsaigh mar aisling nam bhruadar de na làithean fada samhraidh o shean.

Author's own translation:

I went there again. Under the ancient bridge, I travelled to that other world that is more real to me. Look, my parents alive and whole. And you, sweetheart of my youth, barefoot on the white sand, sailing towards me like a vision in my dream of the long summer days of old.

Young writers (12–18) winner

Oliver Iredale, age 17

A beguiling woman, tap-dancing on the dreams of children; she beckons me, I take her offer and we dance, she talks about many maddening musings and I talk of humanity: their pain, suffering and sorrow. We weep, the tears escaping the realm of dreams, flooding the world in our misery.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Kianna Robison, age 10

Have you ever thought of being a dream maker?

I am its brilliant, do you want to be one?

I’ll Give you the recipe, here you go:

a dash of happiness,

A sprinkle of joyfulness,

a cherry of funniness and that's all

Hope you have an amazing time making dreams.
