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James Dixon

All of the information on this page has been provided by the author. If you need an author to have specialist skills, experience or knowledge please ask for more information about this ahead of booking them for an event. Please note that Scottish Book Trust cannot carry out Disclosure checks on Live Literature authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure checks.
Contact: [email protected]
Local authority: Glasgow City
Languages: English
James Dixon's headshot

James Dixon is a Glasgow-based novelist, poet, and playwright with a passion for storytelling that inspires and engages audiences of all ages. His debut novel, The Unrivalled Transcendence of Willem J. Gyle (Thistle Books, 2017), earned critical acclaim and was shortlisted for the prestigious 2018 Somerset Maugham Award. James’ debut play for children, It’s My Turn, was performed at the 2019 Edinburgh Science Festival. Its imaginative exploration of science and discovery captivated young audiences.
James has brought his unique voice to younger readers through his novels The Billow Maiden (2022) and Crow Children (2025), both published through Guppy Books. His work centres on themes of magic, nature, friendship, and resilience, and always seeks to spark creativity and wonder in his audience. With extensive experience touring Scotland, James has delivered dynamic and interactive events, including readings, creative writing workshops, and book signings, all designed to inspire young minds.
James is available for school visits, literary festivals, and other creative events, and is always happy to bring his love of storytelling and engaging presence to young readers everywhere.

Local authorities will visit

Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Angus; Argyll and Bute; Clackmannanshire; Dumfries and Galloway; Dundee; East Ayrshire; East Dunbartonshire; East Lothian; East Renfrewshire; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Fife; Glasgow City; Highland; Inverclyde; Midlothian; Moray; Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles); North Ayrshire; North Lanarkshire; Orkney Islands; Perth and Kinross; Renfrewshire; Scottish Borders; Shetland; South Ayrshire; South Lanarkshire; Stirling; West Dunbartonshire; West Lothian

Events will deliver

Panel event; Reading; Workshop

Audience will work with

Care-experienced people; Outdoor learning; People experiencing mental health problems; Young people in the community (e.g. Youth clubs, Guides, Scouts)

Topics of work

Adolescence; Adventure; Childhood; Class & society; Coasts, seas & oceans; Contemporary fiction; Editing & editing your own work; Environment & climate; Fairy tales, folklore & mythology; Family; First experiences for younger readers; Health including mental health & wellbeing; Island communities; Nature; Religion & beliefs; Rural communities

Age groups published for

Children; Teens; Adults

Age groups will work with

9-11; 12-14

Audience size

11-30; 31-100; 100-500