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The Tynin o Maistres Blakkie

Author: Iain Forde

Hit is unco at whan the hale warl is tholin a gryte trigidie the smaw hamlet loss is juist as sair as ivver. Wir gairden is tuim an lanerlie syne we tint wir calf blakkie. Shae bad in the gairden fur twa eirs an hed twa clekkins in ilka simmer. Hir chink-chink caw telt uz at mair mailwirms wes note. We gied the faimlie frute furby seids saw thai hed a haithfu dyet. Ane eftinuin shae cam happin wi a caum souch intil ma chaumer whaur a wes liggin in bed – ti mynd me o ma dewties nae dout. Hir guidman wesna sae bauld bot a aften sein hir gaein baklins til the nest tit el him at he suid cum wi hir ti red up the vittals we hed out pit. Whan A wes howkin growthe shae wes ma constant billie, huntin yird wirms.

This winter shae we save ti the foir. A wes fettling the mash at hains the strawberries at bene tuirn bi the snaw. Afoir ma denner A gaed bak ti admeir ma wirk. On the grun wes a richt ferlie. A sparrahawk wes puin the fedders aff o a deid burd. He wes a cokk, blak blakkit wi orange chouks an wesna ti be fleggit awaw. He bot glowered at me wi twa bricht glentin ein an gaed about hiz fell wirk. Eftir ma mait A bak gaed kiz A thocht mibbies he bene insnorled in a bit lows mash. He we aye thair, as braw an gallus as afoir. He hed a a kina divot gruppit in hiz cluiks. A stappit forrit ti sei gif it wes hinnerin the hawk frae flie-in.
In the glimmer o ane ei he wes awaw owre the bussis an A unnerstuid at the divot he wes gruppin wes the lyke o ma frein, the blakkie. Aw at wes laed ahent wes a sairie walin o fedders. The maist orra pairt o ma tail is at a Rid Rab wes singin frae a brainch abune aw the tyme at the ploy wes on gaein.

Maistres Blakkie Agane

Syne A telt ye the sairie storie o Maistres Blakkie. Shae wes a caif blakkie at cam in about wir houses an A telt whitwey shae wes keppit bi a fell sparrahawk afoir ma verra ein. In the ware eftir anither blakkie kythed in ma gairden, a cokk at set on the tap o a trei an sang lik ane angell. Hit gied me howp at anither faimiliewuid fess up bairns in wir gairden. Then ae day hiz guidwyfe cam in about an, halp ma bob, hot wes Maistress Blakkie. Shae kent aw ma weys, whaur A kepit the wirms an evin whan we wes staunnin in wir braws at wir foir duir shae kent at hit wes uz an cam ti mynd uz hir bairns wes yaup. The maist antrin kest wes at Maistres Blakkie enjosed wir freinskip.

We wes geyan blythe ti sei hir, A’l can tel ye. A kent at the puir burd at the sparrahawk hed ett wes mibbies a dochter o Maistre Blakkie. Shae biggit hirnyow nest in a neibour’s gairden an the day A sein hir wi a bairn, flie-in about rale cannie. Bot the sparrahawk wesna the anerlie burd at bene hauddin ane ei on ma frein. The stirlins west ae. When a gied ma marrae mail wirms thai wes the erest ti stert reddin up the orrals, an whan A gaed ben the houses the kaes cam an tuik the lave. Evin the speugs poukit up the dist. Bot A ialouse Maistres Blakkie didna fash kiz shae kent we wuid aye gie hir mair.

A frein o mynes hes telt me at hiz faither hed a caif blakkie wi a whyt fedder at cam ti be maitit fur five eir. Sae thusgates A’m crouse at ma nain burd is the samen yin ilk eir. Bi the mainner shae cums an gaes ye’l can jalousie whan shae is haein anither clekkin. Owre the thrie saisons A hed the pleisur o hir companiounskip A’m nou shiur at is the samen Maistres Blakkie an at shae hes eydentlie rased monie faimlies in an about Scotlandwell. Nou A hae gied hir ane innin til ma gryte oye Eilidh sae shae kens we baith hae faimlies ti hain an traisur.