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Scotland - A Gate to My Inner Peace

Author: Purvi Laxman

Life was a fairy tale
but, something was still missing
not knowing what?
Living a life in an illusion
that everything was going perfectly as per my plans.
Yet, there was a deep desire inside me
trying to pull out
without knowing what it actually was?

In 2011, landed for the first time
on this mysterious piece of land called “Scotland”.
Instantly, an inside voice came out “I am home”.
Felt strange, how can you feel at home
when you are in a strange country
away from your routes, your family?

Time was flowing as the water in the river,
while I was getting lost in the wonders of Scotland’s nature.
Every morning, waking up with bird sounds
living in the calmness of each afternoon
relaxing in meditative evenings.
It was like living my everyday in a hermitage retreat.

Now the inside voice was very much louder,
it seemed to urge me to meet someone
who I have never been with before.

I started to explore many places in Scotland
I realised that the presence of nature
is very much alive in this country.
Here, nature is not only heavenly enchanted
but, also mysterious.
The greenery, the mountains,
the lakes, the seas,
the therapeutic sounds of nature…
each of them has a story to tell.

I was losing myself more and more
in this extent forest of happiness
but at the other side,
I started to find myself
little by little,
like joining broken pieces of puzzle.

Now living in Scotland for 11 years
I can say this is my home.
A home where I found myself,
a home where I find my inner peace,
a home of reflection and contemplation,
a home of growth,
a home that has introduced me a different perspective on life.
A home where dreams come true!