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In A World So Uncertain

Author: Jasmin Park
Year: Future

In a world so uncertain,
is there a future of which to speak.
Will the dreamers keep dreaming,
of hover cars,
self-tying trainers,
miracle cures,
world peace.

In a world so uncertain,
are our days on top numbered.
Will the anthropologists toll the end,
of food chain topping control,
a return to savagery,
the end of an era.

In a world so uncertain,
will we ensure its end.
Will the environmentalists down tools,
and colour us a lost cause,
resigned to a fate imposed,
acceptant of the state of the world.

In a world so uncertain,
will our fight for equality falter.
Will minorities pause their endeavours,
the LGBTQIA+ campaigners quit,
the feminists break,
to survive another day.

In a world so uncertain,
the only certainty is conviction.
of the dreamers,
of the anthropologists,
of the environmentalists,
of the minorities,
of the campaigners,
of the feminists,
of humanity,
that even in the darkest times,
Hope should still reign.