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Future Time Management

Author: moa patience
Year: Future

Time flies, doesn’t it, the past reproaches me:

‘Why do you squander me so wastefully?

I am frittered away, spent in pursuit of goods and sex.

You can’t make me stand still by writing cheques.’

So I look to others, what do they do with theirs:

They certainly don’t spend it all upstairs.

By now they’ve acquired a second house and car and wife:

Clearly time management has something to do with life

Priorities and hobbies have a lot in common, if you enquire:

You can’t put off a sense of achievement until you retire,

And how you dedicate your hours, the time you spend and save

May be the difference between a wide berth and a close shave.


This poem was inspired by Philip Larkin's Money.(this link will open in a new window)