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A Ray Of Hope

Author: Zunaira
Year: Future

‘I'm sorry, Miss Sarah, my parents cannot come to the parent teacher's day this time as well.’ She looked hopeless.

When she reached home from school she saw her cousins come over with family. ‘Look, my daddy got me a new doll and he got one for you too,’ said Ailsha. ‘Thank you,’ she said but she couldn't find that joy Alisha had.

One weekend they were all playing in the park, they all had balloons and footballs they shared with her but she said no thanks. Looking at everybody pampered by their parents, she felt lost. She always thought there may be something wrong with her. The lack of love and affection was making her feel insecure day by day.

Life went on, her mother never showed her tenderness, her real dad never owned her, her step-dad never cared. All she wanted was love. But somehow she believed that every cloud has a silver lining. She was very careful about her future, life had another chapter for her, a beautiful one. She got married to a gentleman, had kids, and from there she got to know real "love". She had a family she always wanted, a place to call home, a loving husband and a perfect dad for her kids. She left behind all the calamities she’d faced. Yes! There's still a space left somewhere from her blood relations, but she accepted the reality. Now she hopes and prays for her childrens’ future to be secured with her love, kindness and all that positivity she wants to give them so that they become confident, loyal and successful in all fields of life.

Always believe that there's something good to come no matter how disappointed you feel. There's a day after every dark night, there's light at the end of every tunnel and there's ease after every hardship.