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Celebrating is as easy as ABC

Author: Alison Coyle

Abandon all cares and
Blast out favourite songs.
Consume certain caterpillar cakes.
Dancing till your feet burn.
Eat it all!
Fly that flag.
Give grateful thanks.
Hug, hug, hug.
Indulge in ice cream.
Jump in a puddle.
Kick up your heels,
Make a joyful noise.
Nearly forgot the gin!
Open the curtains and let the light in.
Prosecco, piñatas, pass the parcel.
Quiet contemplation.
Ring out those bells.
Treat yourself with kindness.
Uplift, upward, up, uP, UP!
Viva la vida!
Wine, dine, everything fine
X-rated dance moves.
Y.O.L.O. - so enjoy
Zoomies around the garden (if you’re a spaniel).