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Aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

Author: Eòghan Stewart

Aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte


tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson am faireachdainn seo a labhairt
tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson am modh seo a chur am brìgh
tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson an ciall seo a chur an cèill
tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson an luathghair a thuigsinn
tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson an cùram a chur air chùl
tha còrr is fichead facal ann
              airson an gaol seo a thoirt gu buil

aoibhneas ro-aoibhneas mòr-aoibhneas

aobhachd aighear àgh

rosgal eadhann sogan sògh

meanmna meadhail meoghail mùirn

sodan sunnd subhachas sòlas

boch is beadarachd

greadhnachas is gean

toileachas is tlachd

aiteas is èibhneas is gàirdeachas

’s ann às gach facal ud bheir sinn sonas

’s nì sinn e gach àite

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

1 - màthair

Cuin a chaidh nàdar na ghàire airson a’ chiad uair?

Cuin bho thùs a thug màthair

sòlas às an t-saoghal ùr sin

ri shuain na h-uchd?

a dh’aindeoin no air sgàth a’ chràidh na cruachan

an fhalamhachd ùr na broinn mar thràigh thraoighte

gu luath fo làn mòr buan a’ ghràidh aoibhnich

ri a cladaichean an còmhnaidh

an sàl an impis cur thairis

ach gun a cur fodha fhathast

san uamh sin ann an Afraga, ma ’s e Eubha no ainm eile a bh’ oirre

no air cliathaich an rathaid à Srath Nabhair no ann an lùchairtean nan uachdaran salach

mheal gach tè a h-àl, bu gheal dhi a h-iseanan

a mac strodhail air na meangannan àrda, a nighean ealamh a’ ruith na gaoithe

agus nuair a thog iad an sgiathan, chunnaic i iad a’ cuibhleadh air falbh

thar na fàire ’s ged a bha a’ mhuir fhathast làn, cha robh fuaim ann ach na tuinn

ach air madainn òg, ’s a’ ghrian ag èirigh os cionn nam beanntan ri cùl

dèanar leatha gàirdeachas oir bidh iad ag èirigh air sgiathan àlainn ùr

a’ tilleadh dhan nead, dhan ghèig, dhan lic,

dhan òiteag bhlàth a chùmas i air sgèith

’s a’ freagairt a tagraidh dhan ghaoith

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

2 - clann na braiche

tha drùchd-gean air mo ghruaidh

boinneagan de dhealt an t-slèibh

mac na braiche, sùgh an eòrna

’s comanachadh againn a-nochd

gun aran ach le ar leòr de dh’fhìon dearg

pàilteas leann is Teann a-nall

gliongadaich binn nan glainneachan dùrachdach

siud an t-slàinte chùramach

òlamaid gu sunndach i

fallas air ar malaidhean a’ dannsa air ùrlar dèile

Mac an t-Saoir is Mac a’ Ghobhainn

a’ locradh ’s a’ bualadh phùirt air feadh an taighe

an teallach dearg-theth le teine ar beadarachd

’s anail aighearach ar càirdeas

’s èiridh mi gu socair ’s canaidh mi gu solt

oidhche mhath dhuibh ’s leibh uile sonas

’s an ath mhadainn

an càirdeas sin a bheir oirnn èirigh ’s iomain

’s èirigh ’s iomain ’s èirigh

gus an ruig sinn na binnein

a’ fàgail ar cinn ghoirt agus ar n-aithreachas

mu làr a’ ghlinne trì mìle troigh fodhainn

mar na sgòthan gan ais-thionndadh

’s tusa a’ togail fhèineagan ’s sinne an uchd a chèile

mo bheannachd ort ’s m’ anail nad chuideachd

do ghàire a’ sìneadh mar gach cuan bhuam

’s do chàirdeas cho saillte ach cho ùr

gam ath-nuadhachadh le sluaisreadh do shùgraidh

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

3 - leannan

nuair a ghabh mi mo chiad cheumannan

aig na cèilidhean is discos dheugairean

ann an tallaichean tiona na h-Àirde

comharran badminton ’s crogain bhlàth

’s na gillean na bu ghlice a-muigh

air an starsaich leis a’ cheò ’s a’ chòmhradh

cha tàinig samhla dhomh

air a’ ghàirdeachas a dhèanainn

còig bliadhna ri teachd

nuair a shuidheadh tu rim thaobh

air staidhre an aonaidh

a’ creidsinn gur bu mhi cuideigin eile

- bha thu ceart le sin ma dh’fhaoidte

glèidhidh mi làithean d’ fhèilltean fhathast

gach ceann-là rùnach na mo chridhe

nuair a bhios abhainn mo thoinisg na dìle-bhathte

’s an steall a’ seirm le dàil nan linn

fèis no feis

srac no sràc

tha na comharran beaga

gar roinn o chàch

ach chan fhaighear

fear seach fear

no tè seach tè

as aonais na h-eile

mar gum faighte

gaol gun mhiann

no buille gun phian

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

4 - athair

far nach eil taisbeanadh thèid an sluagh a dhìth

’s gu dearbh aig na h-òrdughan,

cha d’ rinn e sùgradh no mire

ach gun teagamh ’s e comharrachadh a bh’ ann

le aoibhneas ’s aotromachd eile

’s a’ leughadh san cheathramh rann thairis air fichead

aig an ochdamh salm deug thairis air còig fichead

lean a shùilean na faclan ’s ghluais a bheul

is seo an là a rinn an Tighearna;

dèanaibh gàirdeachas

agus bitheamaid ait air

an uairsin mar fhreagairt air an taisbeanadh

chaidh brìgh nam faclan ud

a chur an cèill san ioma-fhuaimneachd

tro mheadarachd a rinneadh do Sheanad Earra-ghaidheil

le Leathanach, Stiùbhartach ’s Caimbeulach

fad air falbh o fhàsach tioram ’s muir Ghalilee

seo fhèin an là a dh’ordaich Dia sam bi sinn suilbhir ait

as dèidh an t-searmoin ’s a’ bheannachaidh

air latha gaothach Siarach

choisich e às an eaglais

a’ falbh leis fhèin dhachaigh

’s bha i fhèin ga fhèitheamh thall

san ùir ri taobh a’ chladaich

’s bha aoibhneas na dheòir

an aoibhneas san ath-aithris

an aoibhneas sin a tha dlùth do bhròn

an nasg a neartaicheas

a cheanglas sinn nar cràdh

an aoibhneas a bhios cuide rinn

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte


is milse gàirdeachas d’ fhaclan na mo chluais

is ò nach àghmhor am bruadar a thig gu bith

an tlachd is an toileachas na do chuideachd

an iarmailt shoilleir, a’ toirt deagh ghean

leanabhan an àigh, sonas nan seanpharantan

’s lachan na tè àlainn a’ dannsa gu dlùth

’s greadhnachas geal driùchd na maidne

far an lùiginn fhèin a bhith a ghnàth

aisig dhomh gàirdeachas do shlàinte

Restore to me the joy of your salvation - a translation of sorts

There is simply no Gaelic word for celebration - there are dozens - either expressing a form of great joy or words for occasions and events marking either the sacred or the profane, and sometimes both at once.


there are more than twenty words
              to speak this feeling
              to give essence to this mood
              to express this meaning
              to understand the exultation
              to put all care behind
              to bring this love to bear


great joy

deep joy

joy joy joy
              joy joy joy joy
                            joy joy joy joy
joy joy joy joy
              joy and joy
                            joy and joy
                                          joy and joy
                                          joy and joy and joy
from every word we take that joy
and enact it everywhere

1 - mother

when did instinct first become a smile?

when did the first mother rejoice at the new life asleep at her breast?

despite or because of the agony of her hips

the new emptiness within her like an exposed beach

swiftly submerged under the eternal high tide of joyful love

always at her shores

the brine always threatening to spill over

but never yet inundating her

in that African cave, if she was named Eve or something else

or on the road from Strathnaver, or in the palaces of the filthy rich

each one enjoyed her brood, her mother’s pride, her little birds

her prodigal son on the highest boughs, her swift daughter chasing the wind

and when they raised their wings, she saw them wheel away

over the horizon, and only the tide remained, there was no sound but the waves

but in the young morning, the sun rising over the mountains to her back

she celebrates because they are rising on new beautiful wings

returning to nest and ledge and branch

to the warm thermals that keep her flying

and answering her petition to the wind

restore to me the joy of your salvation

2 - sons and daughters of the malt

I have tears of joy on my cheeks

droplets of the mountain dew

the son of the malt, the cream of the barley

as we hold a communion tonight

with no bread but enough vino rosso

plenty of ale and Teann a-nall

the sweet clinking of the welcoming glasses

siud an t-slàinte chùramach

òlamaid gu sunndach i

fallas air ar malaidhean a’ dannsa air ùrlar dèile

MacIntyre and Smith

planing and hammering tunes throughout the hostelry

the forge red hot with the fire of our celebration

and the joyful breath of our friendship

and I will gently rise and I’ll softly call

good night and joy be with you all

and the next morning

this friendship makes us rise and drive

and rise and drive and rise

until we reach the peaks

leaving our sore heads and shame

on the valley floor three thousand feet below

like the clouds inverted

you take selfies as we squeeze in close

my blessing on you as I breathe easy in your company

your smile stretches like all the oceans before me

and your friendship so salty yet so fresh

renewing me with the lapping waves of your joking

restore to me the joy of your salvation

3 - sweetheart

when I took those first steps

at the ceilidhs and teenage discos

in the tin huts of the Aird

marked for badminton and drinking warm cans

whilst the smarter lads were outside

on the steps with the smoke and the chat

I had no inkling

of the celebration that I would hold

five years later

when you’d sit next to me

on the union steps

thinking I was someone else

- perhaps you were right about that

I keep your feast days still

each secret anniversary of my heart

when the full river of my feelings overflow

and the deluge sings with the tryst of ages

festival or sex*

a tear or a stroke

it’s the little marks

that separate us from each other

but we can’t get

one or the other

one or the other

without the other one

as if you could get

love without desire

a punch without pain

restore to me the joy of your salvation

*the difference between fèis - festival and feis - sex - is a grave accent - the Gaelic for a grave accent is sràc which can also mean a stroke or a blow, without the accent srac means tear or rip

4 - father

Where there is no vision the people perish

indeed at the communions

he did not have any jollity or play

but it was without doubt a form of celebration

with joy and lightness of another sort

and reading the 24th verse

of the 118th psalm

his eyes followed the words and he mouthed

this is the day that the Lord has made

we shall rejoice

and be glad in it

then as if in response to the vision

the essence of those words

was expressed in heterophony

through a meter devised for the Argyll Synod

by McLaine, Stewart and Campbell

far away from the desert land and the Sea of Galilee

this is the day that the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it

after the sermon and the benediction

on a windy Westside day

he walked from the church

alone home

and she was waiting for him

in the soil by the shore

and there was joy in his tears

the joy in repetition

the joy that is so close to sorrow

the bond that strengthens

and connects us in our pain

the joy that stays with us

restore to me the joy of your salvation


sweetest the rejoicing of your words in my ear

the joy in a dream that comes true

the joy and pleasure of your company

the blue sky that brings good will

the children of joy, the happiness of grandparents

the laughter of a beautiful woman dancing close

and the bright joy of the morning dew

in the place where I long to be always

restore to me the joy of your salvation