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Sràid An Dòchais

Author: Niall O'Gallagher
Year: Hope

An robh thu feitheamh rium ag bonn na sràide?

Nan robh, thàinig thu gun fhiosta dhomh,

no dùil gum faighinn thu an lùib ceò

tombaca, glòr na trafaige, sgàilean

an stèisein agus nan toglaichean àrda.

Cha robh for againn gu robh sinn òg.

Choisich sinn fo na lanntairean òr’,

is stad sinn, a’ roinn phògan agus bàrdachd.

A-nis, gach seachdain, bidh sinne coiseachd

air Sràid an Dòchais, a’ dìreadh bho oisean

gu oisean, greim caileig’ air ar làmhan

is nì sinn sreap, suas gu bàrr a cnuic-se;

suas, suas, gun sùil air ais gu ruige

’m mullach, far a bheil an saoghal air fàire.


Were you waiting for me down there

at the bottom of the street? If so, I didn’t know,

never thought I’d find you amid that fog

of tobacco smoke and the loud din of the traffic,

the shadows of the station and the buildings

rising high overhead. We had no idea how young

we were! Under golden lanterns we walked,

stopping for a kiss, poetry spilling from our lips.

And now, every week we walk again

along Hope Street, climbing from corner

to corner, our daughter by the hand

as we climb to the top of that hill, up, up,

never looking back until we reach the summit

where the world stretches wide before us.

Translated by Deborah Moffatt