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Some Hope

Author: Glenn Merrilees
Year: Hope

Hope can mean so many things

Some hope for inner peace

Others hope for pain to end

Some hope wars will cease.

Some will hope for freedom

Some will hope for rain

The flowers in the garden

Brought to life again.

Some will hope for inner strength

For trials and tribulations

Some will hope for love and peace

Spread across the nations.

Some will hope the lottery

Will dig them out a hole

While some will hope their favourite team

Scores the winning goal.

Some will hope for sunny days

With loved ones all around

Barbecues, the tastes, the smells

Where paradise is found.

Some will hope their horse will win

A good day at the races

Others hope the "ads" will stop

With children's starving faces.

Me, I hope I'll grow and grow

As I blossom from the gutter

And I hope I'll make a difference

With every word I utter.

I'll take my sword to paper

Forget the knives and rope

And pray I'll make a difference

If I can give some HOPE.