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My Future

Author: Lindsay Craik
Year: Future

It was the best thing that happened to me.

Eliza was born.

A new energy transformed my thoughts and where I was switching things off, I was adding to my life in many ways.

I had been very active before a couple of sports accidents stopped the running and the military fitness. These had been good mental releases, but their stimuli was withdrawn.

I still walked, but at a more leisurely pace; no real drive. My pulse rate went up from 56 to 70. I was in limbo and hadn’t noticed. I took things easily, sedately and calmly. None of which were creating, forcing or changing. I was in a new slow routine that wasn’t taking me anywhere fast.

To see Eliza, we flew down at Kent each month and to enjoy this treat: seeing, watching and cuddling her. They also came to Edinburgh for my daughter’s wedding at The George Hotel and Eliza was the flower girl. It was a good time, I felt renewed.

I reviewed my approach and took up yoga again, ran at events and used my bicycle more. This in turn enabled me to write again and poems and stories were soon submitted. My playwriting was stimulated by workshop programmes, I felt alive.

Then the virus came and we never returned to Kent. We saw Eliza on Facetime, almost daily, a blessing. It was great to see her and the isolation we were faced was relieved by these events. The positive approach also helped greatly as did the weather which allows the activities to be performed outdoors, on the grass or round the village.

I felt the freedom of running round the deserted golf course on soft turf, surrounded by magnificent trees. I examined the new reed bed with its ducks and cycled round the high cycle track before descending back again. I was developing new strengths in my retirement. However, I had not been able to visit my eldest son or my daughter and neither of them have been able to visit each other. We saw each other only by video for the weekly family quiz.

Writing workshops went online with Writing for the Future and a long series of playwriting events. These have been very useful and have projected my self-esteem into a new belief that I will sustain into the future.

I found the undisturbed peace experienced during this isolation has been a great thing. It helped me to develop my strengths again. I’m fitter in my body and in my mind.

Things became clearer and better structured. I now see the way now to build and project through the freedom of the relaxed environment.

Good food taken in a healthy way has enlivened me to drive me on in my cycling and running. The yoga practice outside in the good weather has calmed me down and helped me think for myself and produce better thoughts in my writing. My mind is freer and words come easily, like a McAfee speed upgrade.

For me, the future is certain. I will pursue this reawakening and express myself more and the work will be better due to the holistic approach.

I now have the strong focus to improve my writing again.

I look forward to being able to hug Eliza, one day soon.