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What is a book?

Author: Samuel Russell

A book is a story that is yet to be told.
So open it up with excitement, do not dither, do not put it on hold.
Peel back the cover and smell the page.
Read the words and, with the subject, begin to engage.
Let your eyes feast on the wonderful compilation of words.
Or see pictures of children slaying dragons with their mystical swords.
A book is a fountain of knowledge that never ceases to delight.
Whether read in the daytime or in your bed late at night.
A book can be the start of a journey to a place far…far away,
Where you would like to visit, or eventually stay.
A book can be about the life of a person that you would like to meet.
Where they share their life stories and what makes them feel complete.
A book can be about history and/or modern day life.
Where you can learn from the mistakes of wars and everyday strife.
A book can be about an individual or a community at large.
A book can teach you skills, allowing you to take charge.
A book will embrace and empower you no matter what.
A book can cover one subject or even a lot, simply delve in and follow the plot.
A book will help to free up your imagination.
A book will let you read about the wonders of our world and of every nation.
A book can inspire you to do better things.
Or spark your imagination to fly like an eagle, with the wind under your wings.
A book can be about love, or the broken hearted.
A book can make your heart pound and eager to get started.
So open a book today whether you are young or old,
Begin your own journey to magical stories…yet to be told.