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Through the Streets in December

Author: Uist Creative Writing Group

Through the streets in December
Christmas lights tell stories of magic,
music swirls up, it swirls up to the stars.
Night is pierced by song and light.

Through the streets in December
frost finds cold fingers.
It decorates the world with silver
and the moon celebrates its dazzle.

Through the streets in December
don’t be alone, here take my hand,
please come in from the cold.
We wish you no harm.

Through the streets in December
the winter solstice marks the year,
tranquility comes from the light in the sky
as we celebrate peace in midwinter.

Through the streets in December
fireworks explode over river and town
rainbows of light fizzle and crackle
linking our friendships of love and of joy,

Through the streets in December
it’s time to celebrate another New Year.
Let’s raise a glass.
Goodbye to the old and step into the new.