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Recipe to Celebrate

Author: Eyemouth Creative Writing Group

Producing productive perfection,

the gilded glinting glow,

presented on plate.

Eye catching, aroma enticing,


Moreish yums and empty plates,

the proof was in the pudding.

Satiated and satisfied, the comfort

and joy of cooking creation.

Memories, moments stir deep –

Don’t blow your own trumpet,

don’t rub it in.

it’s been scoffed, there’s not a crumb left,

what more do you want?

Building sense of self,

long time coming.

Removing draining doubts, darkness, pain,

Turning to meditation

to reflect, to heal, to tame.

Mindfulness “in the present”,

impossible to obtain.

Until the passion, the talents, the skills,

the metamorphosis of cooking,

become the focus now.

The route to celebrate

the unique, the special presence,

the comfort of acknowledging

true sense of self.

Julie Ann Thomason, Eyemouth Creative Writing Group