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In celebration of song

Author: Roger Knight

Balm for loss and loneliness.

Galvanizer of thought and memory,

that transcends culture and language.

Accompaniment to ease arduous repetitive toil.

Heart soarer, you provide profound meaning to the inconstancy of this world.

We sing our favourite songs throughout our life, including those sung for us in death on our departure.

Their lyrics can be like maxims that give us comfort and affirmation,

the melodies our anthems that can assuage our angst or heighten our happiness.

They can even mesmerize us,

just like those prisoners depicted in the Shawshank Redemption film,

on hearing Mozart’s Sull’Aria for the first time, are stopped in their tracks,

captivated by it’s spell of subliminal song.

Songs provide those invisible but strongly felt patches of pathos, joy and unison that help us achieve that much sought after equilibrium and enhancement that can so often elude us in life.