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Life's New Adventure

Author: Sandra Reid
Year: Adventure

My senses were heightened
With a mixture of excitement and fear
I handed in my notice
I would be retiring in the New Year
I thought about my 48 years working
And the achievements that I earned
And realised all the ways I've grown
And to treasure all the lessons learned
The adventure had been looming
In my thoughts for quite a while
Could I deal with the unfamiliar?
Would I adjust to a new lifestyle?
My last day was emotional
Colleagues and staff were very kind
I was free of clocks and company rules
And a reprieve from the daily grind
Retirement can be anxious for some
Because they're uncertain of what to do
But I knew right from the very start
My hobbies would get me through
I re-joined a writers group
And booked a holiday to the States
I'm meeting people at keep fit classes
Yes a new carefree lifestyle awaits
Retirement is a new stage in life
You can be busy or take things at your leisure
You now have free time to make dreams come true
And to start on life's new adventure.