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Beware the Rhins of Galloway! A Nomad’s Warning

Author: J. Catherine Tetrault
Year: Adventure

Don’t visit Loch Ryan with your face made-up or hair freshly styled.
Seaspray will besprinkle your face washing away any facade
exposing your soft skin to the sun’s gentle kiss.
Careless winds will tangle themselves among the bangs and strands
tossing tufts left and right until the wild side of you begins to show.

Don’t walk along the coastal path of the Southern Upland Way in posh heels.
Moss-covered walkways will demand you stand flat-footed
claiming your space on solid ground.
Rocky stairs along cliffsides will insist you touch the earth with your hands
recognizing each other as part of something bigger.

And the sheep will laugh because they always arrive ahead of you.
They know all the secret paths.

Don’t think your only entertainment is the pub.
Gorse shrubs with their bright yellow flowers will lure you in
making your head swoon with their intoxicating scent.
Bumble bees listen to the deepest secrets of your soul
remembering none of it in the morning, too gorse-drunk to care.

Don’t bother with your emails, social media, or digital news.
Clouds will become your daily distraction
causing you to wonder if they’ve always looked so grand.
Winged wonders like kestrels capture your attention
hovering mid-flight and leaving you awe-struck.

Don't search for theme park amusements to escape the mundane.
Seals bob at sunset near a Stevenson lighthouse
evoking delight at the sight of their antics.
Sea gifts emerge as jellies awash in the loch
reviving that childlike wonder asleep in your heart.

And the sheep will laugh because they see the changes in you.
They know the magic of the Rhins.