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A Dip Sets Me Free

Author: Brian Maycock
Year: Adventure

I stand on the shore
Looking out to see
How far I can go
Before my pyjamas get soaked.
The supermarket might have banned jammies from the store
But there’s nothing to stop me from having an explore
In my comfiest clothes.
I didn’t go far from my routine before this.
I was always a dreamer, a waiter, a worrier of what might be
Until this morning, when something clicked.
I can’t sum it up in words.
Maybe there’s a strand in my DNA that was always going to be bring this out in me
Or maybe I just needed to do something different,
Feel the sand between my toes
As the gulls circle
And the waves inspire a sensational burst
Of letting go
Of yelling at the top of my voice and running into the sea.

I fell over
Of course.
I bashed my knee
And swallowed a considerable amount of ocean.
I console myself with the fact that I have reduced the effects of coastal erosion by one mouthful and go home.
I have no plans for tomorrow, other than my usual Tuesday to do list.
And my heart is beating, faster than it has for a long long time
Because tomorrow I can do whatever I want
On the spur of the moment.
It does not even have to be on a bus route.
This is the new me.