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Walk The Walk: Then and now

The aim of this lesson is to introduce learners to new perspectives. The activities and discussion questions are designed to promote intergenerational discussion about the changing face of sectarianism and identity in Scotland.
- Begin by reading together through Walk The Walk as far as page 51, the section where Gran talks to Rab about her family’s experiences of sectarianism in Scotland.
- Print out the discussion questions and interview activity sheet.
- Facilitate a group discussion using the discussion questions.
- Then arrange opportunities for your learners to interview members of their family, local community or colleagues using the interview activity sheet.
- If you have computer facilities, provide the opportunity for your learners to log onto Scottish Book Trust’s interactive Google Map(this link will open in a new window) and add the traditions they know of from their local area, as well as any they found out about from their interviewee. To edit the map, log into a Google account and click on the icon underneath the seach box to add a marker to the map.
- Once your learners have completed these activities, make sure they take part in a follow-up discussion using the discussion questions to help consolidate all their findings.
Reflecting on learning
After taking part in the discussion, were learners aware of:
- The ways in which sectarian attitudes and behaviour in Scotland have changed over the years?
- The recent history of sectarianism in Scotland?
After conducting their interview, were learners aware of Scottish local and national traditions that were new to them?
Learners can:
- Identify the progress that has been made in Scotland towards tackling sectarian attitudes and behaviour in recent times
- Identify the ways in which sectarian attitudes and behaviour are still a problem in Scotland
- Identify local and national Scottish and community traditions they were not previously aware of
Useful resources
Generations Working Together(this link will open in a new window): Scotland’s leading organisation dedicated to intergenerational working.
Scottish Traveller Education Programme (STEP)(this link will open in a new window): Information on the lives and traditions of Scottish traveller communities.