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Thistle & Lotus

Author: Leela Soma

the spiky thistle that alerted the Scots of the invading Norseman
sealed as an emblem from time immemorial, on coins and the
Royal insignia, the national flower of Scotland a rich purple.
In royal ermine, the amethyst violet, rich colours plaited in tartan
a honey plant, laden with nectar sugar to sweeten rugged land.

The lotus, arising from muddy waters to sheer beauty
depicted as symbols of divinity in ancient Indian scriptures
evolution of consciousness, to spiritual liberation
the national flower of India, the sahasrara, the thousand-petalled
lotus to reach pure consciousness, its wisdom a legacy.

A fusion of cultures, honeyed thistle with lotus as a foundation
Indian Scots blend and adapt imbibing the richness of the two
like thistles spike the summer air, brave to fend off the enemy
within each human is the scared spirit of the lotus
achieve a sense of detachment like the water droplet
on a lotus, stand tall above the mud and water.
purple and pink, bravery and compassion entwined as one.