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Abi Elphinstone: Real-life adventures and accidental daydreams

Language: English
Genre: Adventure, Environment, Inspiration
Age group: 6-8, 9-11
Audience: Children

Skip to 05:00 on the video to jump to the start of this event.

From living with the Kazakh Eagle Hunters in Mongolia to conjuring up secret kingdoms in her writing shed, bestselling author Abi Elphinstone shares the real-life adventures and accidental daydreams behind her stories. She talks about her novel The Crackledawn Dragon – a voyage across an enchanted land full of silver whales, fire krakens, and underwater palaces – and shows pupils how easy it is to leap into stories of their own. 

If you only do one thing...

We know time is tight so here is just one activity you could do with your class before or after watching the event.

Create a map of your own world (LIT 1-20a, EXA 1-06a)

Imagine you’re in charge of creating a brand new city, country or world. Draw your own map including the different features like mountains, trees, rivers, seas or city buildings, shops or houses. Where would you like to live? How will you travel around?

To further explore mythical creatures and legends, see our Scottish myths and legends resource below.