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50 Word Non-Fiction: Hope – Batch 3

Author: Various Authors
Year: Hope

Every week, we publish the latest 50 Word Non-Fiction stories of Hope. Read this week's pieces below!


My life was one of hope. Parents hoped my life would be successful in education, the work place and in motherhood, but accidents happen. 26 years in a wheelchair I lived with hope in my heart. I now walk following surgery making the most of every day. 


I Had A Dream.

Hope when the world

Laughs with me?

Thinking wise thoughts

Should I do this?

Wear a smile when my 

Heart, aches inside.

There is always hope

Comfort, when one feels


Along the pathway of life.

Feelings of I had a dream

To follow, with love.


My bag was filled with hospital masks, takeaway coffee lids and parking tickets. And right at the bottom, buried deep underneath the worry, dark thoughts and sympathetic smiles of strangers was a tiny ball of hope, crumpled and dented from how hard I held onto it.