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Celebrate Yourself
Celebrate yourself, they say, mouths full of condescending confetti.
Love yourself, love your skin, love your body, love yourself from toes to soul;
leave no room for doubt, for the bitter whispers,
for cracks to break and spread.
There is little to celebrate, I once would say,
my skin wrapped tight around a fragile soul;
skin beaten blue and bruised until it has become armour,
polished to a starshine sheen.
There is nothing in me to celebrate, I reassure my quivering self.
They will not look this way.
These days, I see a different me, a mirror image full grinning.
We are not beautiful, but kind.
Not sharp gem bright, no lustre sparkle,
but a bonfire blazing fierce.
My skin once armour, now a shield.
My voice once trembling, now booming, a calling home to safety.
No celebration for me, I beg, for I am not done rebuilding yet.